Coffee and cigarettes…

December 29, 2008

win some, lose some

Filed under: brain candy — techrat @ 12:28 pm

So there’s been some reconsideration here at the Fun Factory, and it seems I won’t have to go to Missouri in January as previously thought.

Instead, it’s looking like mid-to-late February.

Known affectionately in the midwest as “oh, you thought winter was over? oh, do we have a surprise for you…”

So… yay, and argh, all at once.


  1. Well… At least it’s Missouri. It could be The Upper Penninsula…

    Comment by brendanm720 — December 29, 2008 @ 2:08 pm

  2. Honestly, I’d prefer some time with the Yoopers than in Missouri. The temperature might be lower, but the wind differential is enough to make it much more painful to be in the midwest. Also, depending on where in the UP, I could get some tourist time in across the border.

    I may live in Florida, but I know from cold… lived in Alaska for 2 years. My greatest fear in the entire trip is trusting my coworker, a lifelong Southern boy, driving the rental on snowy-and-icy roads. Talk about yer nightmare scenarios…

    Comment by techrat — December 29, 2008 @ 2:32 pm

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